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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:906  栏目:高一英语

标签:高一英语学习方法介绍,高一学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高一英语上册重点单词复习,
重点词汇     第一节 动词     Ignore(1-1朋友) Upset(1-1朋友)Trust(1-1朋友) suffer(1-1朋友)communicate (1-1朋友) Include(1-2英语) Recognize(1-2英语) request (1-2英语) persuade(1-3游记) determine(1-3游记) Destroyed(1-4地震) shake(1-4地震)organize(1-4地震) burst(1-4地震)Attract(1-5英雄) accept(1-5英雄)advise(1-5英雄) shine(shone) (2-1古迹)Compete(2-1古迹) survive(2-1古迹)  remain(2-1古迹)  remove(2-1古迹)  consider(2-1古迹) admit(2-2奥运) create(2-3电脑) arise(arose, arisen) (2-3电脑)wander(2-3电脑)Attack(2-4生物)apply (2-4生物) bite(bit, bitten) (2-4生物) protect(2-4生物)  contain (2-4生物) perform(2-5音乐)     1.         A cultural relic is something that survived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake. (1-4地震)     2.         The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)     3.         What upsets you most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want toupset my friends. (2-4生物)     4.         What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)     5.         The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soonrise. (2-4生物) Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)     6.         Don’t endanger wild animals any more. (2-4生物)     7.         Rubbing protects me from mosquitoes. (2-4生物)     8.         The insect contains a powerful drug. (2-4生物)     9.         The drug affects mosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物)     10.     No one could recognize me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses peoplerecognize him. (2-5音乐)     11.     Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) They pretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)     12.     No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)     13.     Make a poster to advertise a sporting event. (2-2奥运)     14.     They will be given time to tour Beijing. (2-2奥运)     15.     The olive wreath has been replaced. (2-2奥运)     16.     We can work together to create an even better system. (2-3电脑)     17.     A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)     18.     My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)     19.     I’d like to explore ideas about this sport. (2-3电脑)     20.     They set the number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)     21.     A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)     22.     An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (1-4地震)     23.     The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)     24.     The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)     第二节 动词或名词     block(1-2英语) Share(1-1朋友) concern (1-1朋友) shock(1-4地震) rescue(1-4地震)trap(1-4地震) honor(1-4地震) rise(1-4地震) design(2-1古迹) interview(2-1古迹)heat(2-1古迹)  doubt(2-1古迹) promise(2-2奥运) Roll(2-5音乐) form(2-5音乐)Reward(2-1古迹) (1-5英雄) injure (1-4地震)     1.         Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)     2.         The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)     3.         The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)     4.         The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹)     5.         It’s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑)They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honored that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐)     6.         I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)     7.         Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)     8.         Go straight for two blocks. (1-2英语)     9.         The job was a reward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)     第三节 名词     editor(1-1朋友) series(1-1朋友) advice(1-1朋友)situation (1-1朋友)  disaster(1-4地震)shelter(1-4地震) position(1-5英雄) degree(1-5英雄) Criminal(1-5英雄) Culture(1-2英语)  Dialect(1-2英语)  Identity(1-2英语) Transport(1-3游记) journal(1-3游记) congratulations(1-4地震) (2-5音乐) principle(1-5英雄) Quality(1-5英雄) stage(1-5英雄)cruelty(1-5英雄) Gift(2-1古迹) visitor(2-1古迹) Object(2-1古迹) Treasure(2-1古迹)style(2-1古迹)  reception(2-1古迹)  opinion(2-1古迹) athlete(2-2奥运) revolution(2-3电脑) intelligence(2-3电脑) Notebook(2-3电脑) calculator(2-3电脑) Advantage (2-3电脑)disadvantage(2-3电脑) Competitor(2-2奥运) competition (2-2奥运) prize (2-2奥运)beliefs(2-2奥运) Message(2-2奥运) 体育项目名称(badminton, shot-put, weight-lifting等) (2-2奥运) Network(2-3电脑) birth(2-3电脑) enemy(2-4生物)loss (2-4生物)species (2-4生物)effect (2-4生物) ability(2-5音乐) orchestra(2-5音乐) musician(2-5音乐) passers-by(2-5音乐) instrument(2-5音乐) Reputation(2-5音乐)     1.         What an experience! (2-4生物)     2.         They left home for safety. (1-4地震)     3.         A passbook is a book that shows your identity. (1-5英雄) He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)     第四节 形容词     familiar(1-3游记) stubborn(1-3游记) fresh(1-4地震) essential(1-4地震) proper(1-3游记)equal(1-5英雄) peaceful(1-5英雄)描述人的形容词(selfish, gentle, athletic, adventurous, brave, boring, caring, cheerful, dangerous, easygoing, enthusiastic, funny, friendly, generous(1-5英雄), humorous, happy, honest, interesting, jealous (1-5英雄), unkind, loyal, lazy, mean, naughty, optimistic, open, patient, quiet, rude, sociable, smart, stupid, ugly, upset, versatile, wise, weird, thoughtful, responsible) (1-1朋友) popular(2-1古迹) Grateful(2-1古迹) Ancient(2-1古迹)  modern (2-1古迹) Foolish(2-2奥运)enjoyable(2-2奥运) honest(2-2奥运) magical(2-2奥运) physical(2-2奥运) golden(2-2奥运) Simple-minded(2-3电脑)Common (2-3电脑)simple(2-3电脑) universal(2-3电脑) artificial(2-3电脑) Attractive (2-5音乐) unknown(2-5音乐)     Excellent(2-4生物) fierce(2-4生物)  unkind(2-4生物)   lazy(2-4生物)powerful (2-4生物)modern(2-2奥运) (2-5音乐)Attractive(2-5音乐) extra(2-5音乐)     1.         A fragile head(2-3电脑)     2.         It is time-consuming. (2-1古迹)     3.         Well designed buildings(2-1古迹)     4.         It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase. (2-1古迹) A rare new species of dinosaur (2-4生物)     5.         What a lovely autumn day! (1-2英语)     第五节 副词     exactly(1-1朋友) entirely(1-1朋友) Actually(1-2英语) properly(1-3游记) sincerely(1-5英雄) besides(2-2奥运) truly(2-3电脑) totally(2-3电脑) unluckily(2-3电脑)personally(2-3电脑) Afterwards(2-5音乐)     1.         They had truly become stars. (2-5音乐) I have truly been built to serve people.(2-3电脑)     2.         If you don’t catch the ball, you are out.(2-2奥运)     3.         The competition centres will be placed close to each other. (2-2奥运)When the bike gets too close to something it rings the bell. (2-3电脑)I landed close tothe finishing line. (2-3电脑) People who are not close enough to each other(2-3电脑) Then English became closer to the language you are learning now. (1-2英语)     4.         Personally, I think the other team cheated. (2-3电脑)     5.         From the dictionary you will know how to use the word properly. (2-4生物)     6.         It died out more recently.(2-4生物),高一英语上册重点单词复习
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