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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:465  栏目:高一英语

标签:高一英语学习方法介绍,高一学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高一英语下学期期中试题,

 40. A.some        B.neither          C.none               D.no one

 41. A.calm         B.upset            C.delighted         D.astonished

 42. A.no            B.up                C.it                    D.that

 43. A.1earn        B.miss             C.get                 D.find

 44. A.message           B.advice          C.request            D.description

 45. A.uses                 B.loses             C.has                 D.spends

 46. A.doubt        B.help             C.trouble            D.answer

 47. A.tell                  B.see                C.agree              D.call

 48. A.exact        B.suitable         C.early               D.1ate

 49. A.follow      B.meet             C.bring              D.introduce

 50. A.test                  B.obtain           C.admire            D.recognize

 51. A.failing      B.meaning       C.turning           D.happening

 52. A.read                 B.placed          C.answered         D.understood

 53. A.forget       B.show            C.disagree          D.admit

 54. A.clean        B.crowded       C.fast                 D.1ight

 55. A.bargain    B.sale              C.accident          D.result





 My friend Dr. Dong had a wonderful chance to go to Seattle to present a paper at a professional meeting.When he got back to Beijing,he told me about his experience.

 Dr. Dong enjoyed his first few days very much.At the medical conference.he felt quite confident in his area of research and was able to perform well in his speech.But after a few days,he began to feel uncomfortable.His medical English was fine,but hem had difficulty communicating socially.

 He worried more and more that he was misunderstanding simple English greetings and table talk customs.When someone greeted him with,“Hi.how’s it going?” he thought they had asked him “ Where are you going?” and answered with the name of the conference hall,only to get a surprised stare in reply.At a Western style dinner,a colleague(同事)asked,“So how’re you enjoying the States?” he thought he heard.“How’re you enjoying your steak?” and answered that he was eating chicken,not beef.That time,his colleague smiled,and patiently repeated the question, then both laughed at the mistake.

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