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英语教案-At the shop

12-26 23:19:43   浏览次数:272  栏目:高二英语教案

标签:高二下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 英语教案-At the shop,

Answer: It’s a clothes shop. There are many clothes in the shop. Two women are talking now. They are talking about the white blouse and the red blouse in the shop.

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2. Ask the students how different clothes are washed. Make a table on the blackboard if you like

as follows:

HOT WASH        white cotton

WARM WASH      coloured cotton

COLD WASH       silk , wool

Step Ⅲ Listening and reading

Let the students listen to the dialogue once or twice and then answer same questions.

1. What did the customer buy last week?

… She bought, a blouse last weds

2. Whats wrong with the blouse?

… When doe washed the blouse, the color ran.

3. What did the customer ask the assistant to do?

…She asked the assistant to change the clothes or give the money back to her.

4. Did the assistant give the money back to the customer ? Why ?

…No, because the manager of the shop wasnt in. And the assistant couldnt decide whether        to give it back to her or not.

Step Ⅳ Practice

Let students fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

SA: Good afternoon. Can I   1   you ?

C: Yea, please. I  2   this radio the day before yesterday. But there is something  3  with it.       Last night it just couldnt. I   4   cant use it.

SA: Let me   5  . It scans as if it hasnt been   6   properly. Has it been left in the sun or__ 7_?

C: Of  8   not. How can I be   9   foolish ?

SA:    10  its the   11   of the factory that made it. I think I will send back to the   12   and get it repaired.

C: You may   13   it back to the factory, but I would like my money   14   .

SA: I’m   15  I cant do that.

C: Why cant you do   16   about it ? Id like you to change this   17   or else  18   me my money back.

SA: All right. You can   19  it for another one. Would you please  20  a look at these ones ?


1. help 2. bought 3. wrong 4. work 5. see 6. used 7. rain 8. course 9. that  10. Maybe 11. fault 12. factory 13. send 14. back  15. afraid 16. something 17. radio18. give 19. change 20. have

Fill in the blanks.


  Is there ______ _______ ________ the radio?


  Please give me _______ the book that you _______from me.


   It _______ as if it’s going to_______.


   He _______ that he _______ there tomorrow.


   Don’t _______ the child stand ________ the sun.


   I would _______ Tom’s brother ________ do the work.


1. anything wrong with    2. back …borrowed    3. seems…snow 4. insists …go    5. have/ keep …in    6. like …to

StepⅤ Language points

Let students read the dialogue and ask them to pay attention to some key sentences and then the teacher gives some brief explanation.

1. There seem (s) to be…

2. like常见的句型是

like sb. to do sth./ like to do sth./ like doing sth.

3. I’m not that foolish = I am not so foolish.  

4.It looks as if + 句子 = It seems as if + 句子

5. insist + that - clause + ( should ) + v

Step Ⅵ Further practise

1.Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.

2.  Provide a few situations for the Ss, let them practise the dialogues by dividing the different groups.

1)You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue between the shop assistant and you.

2) You have just bought a tape—recorder. But it does not work as soon as you get home. So you go back to the shop and ask for a new one..

Step Ⅶ Exercise

Do exercises Ex 1——3. on Page 118.

  A customer brought a blouse in a clothes shop last week. She found that the colours _____when she washed it. Thinking that there must be ______wrong with it, she went back to the shop. The shop_____ asked her whether she did not follow the ______and washed it in hot water. The ______said she was not ______foolish. It seemed that it was the ______of the company that produced it .The customer _______that the shop should give her money back, but the shop assistant refused. Finally the customer decided to change the blouse _______another one.

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,英语教案-At the shop
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