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12-26 23:19:12   浏览次数:469  栏目:小学一年级英语学习

标签:一年级英语学习方法,小学英语学习,http://www.quxue6.com 小学一年级英语:口语练习,


  How are you today?

  I'm fine, thank you./ I'm OK.

  What's your name?

  My name is Mary.

  Who are you?

  I'm Mary.

  Where are you from?

  I'm from China.

  Where do you come from?

  I come from china.

  What nationality (民族) are you?

  I'm Chinese.

  Which school do you go?/what's the name of your school?

  Huizhou Foreign Language School.(HFLS)

  What grade are you in?

  I'm in grade 3, class1.

  How old are you

  I am 9 years old.


  Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Aunty, Uncle, Nephew, Niece, Cousin, Grandpa, Grandma.

  How many people are there in your family?

  My family has five people.

  There are five people in my family.

  My father,mother, brother, sister and me.

  My parents, brother, sister and me.

  Who's he?         He's my father.

  Who's she?        She's my mother.

  Who are they?     They're my family.

  The day of the week(星期)

  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , Sunday .

  What day is today?

  Today is Monday.

  What day was yesterday?

  Yesterday was Sunday.

  What day will be tomorrow?

  Tomorrow will be Tuesday.

  School things(学习用品)

  School bag, Books, sharpener, water bottle, pencil-cave, pen, pencil, eraser, rubber, glue, crayon, color-pencil, ruler, sharpener

  What do you have in your schoolbag?

  I have a sharpener.

  How many books have you got?

  I have got 8 books, English book, math book, Chinese book, music book, drawing book, comic book, computer book, story book, exercise book.

  In the classroom(教室)

  TV set, chair, desk, door, window, curtain(窗帘),floor,schoolbag, light, fan, teacher's desk, table, picture

  What can you see in the classroom?

  I can see a light.

  How many lights can you see?

  I can see 8 lights.

小学一年级英语学习 推荐