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小学写人的英语日记:My mom

12-26 23:28:59   浏览次数:620  栏目:小学四年级英语学习

标签:四年级英语学习方法,小学英语学习,http://www.quxue6.com 小学写人的英语日记:My mom,

  My mom is about 45 years old.She has long hair and very big eyes. She is a housewife. She always helps me with my homework before she cleans the house and prepares dinner for my whole family. She is really a nice and kind mother.

  My mom is always very reasonable. All she asks for is for me to complete my schoolwork. If I get a good mark on my test,she will be very happy. If I don't do well,she won't get angry. She will encourage me to do better next time.

  I love my mom,so I give her a hug when I get home,and tell her she is the best mom in the world.

,小学写人的英语日记:My mom
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tag: 英语日记   小学四年级英语学习,四年级英语学习方法,小学英语学习,小学教育 - 小学英语学习 - 小学四年级英语学习

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