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12-26 23:15:52   浏览次数:607  栏目:中考英语复习资料

标签:中考英语复习资料,中考英语答题技巧,http://www.quxue6.com 中考英语选择填空训练,五,

  (    )21. Tom has been in the factory _________he left school.

  A. when         B. since          C. as soon as      D. whether

  (    )22. The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard.

  A. but          B. and           C. or            D. when

  (    ) 23. _______ my mother ________ my sister watches TV plays these days.

  A. Either, nor   B. Both, and     C. Neither, or     D. Neither, nor

  (    ) 24. He walked ________ fast for us ________catch up with.

  A. so, that      B. such, that     C. enough, to     D. too, to

  (    ) 25. Lucy knew nothing about it ________ her sister told her.

  A. because       B. until          C. if             D. since

  (    ) 26. I don't think it very expensive to buy a family computer here.

  -- Really? I'll buy _______ next week.

  A. it            B. this         C. one        D. mine

  (    ) 27.--Which would you like, rice or noodles? --_______is OK. I'm hungry.

  A. Either         B. Neither        C. Both           D. All

  (    ) 28. We found ________ necessary to protect the environment.

  A. it          B. this         C. that         D. what

  (    )29. The weather in Beijing is cooler than ________ in Guangzhou.

  A. this         B. it            C. that          D. one

  (    )30. There is _________in today's newspaper.

  A. new anything  B. new something  C. anything new   D. something new

中考英语复习资料 推荐