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当前位置:趣学网手机中心手机游戏运动游戏德里克超级职棒2009 下载


  • 名称:德里克超级职棒2009
  • 类型:运动游戏
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10-31 15:36:06
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:866
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:635 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:java手机游戏,jar手机游戏下载,最新手机游戏, 本站提供德里克超级职棒2009免费下载,http://www.quxue6.com
适用机型:SonyEricsson C702,C902,C905,G705,K770,K800,K800i,K810,K810i,K850i,K888,P3,P990i,S500i,S700,S700c,T650,T650i,T921i,W31S,W595,W595c,W705,W760c,W760i,W880,W900,W900C,W902,W908,W910,W910i,W980,W980i,Z750, [其他只要支持JAVA的手机也都可以玩!]
简介:Join Derek Jeter in the most captivating baseball game on mobile. Feel the electric stadium as you hammer one over the fence! Thanks to further intuitive controls and the exclusive pitching power & accuracy bar, you can control a precise wind up and pitch a total shut-out, or try your bat at loading the bases up and cut one into the outfield to score big. As the latest winner of the Hank Aaron and Golden Glove Awards, Jeter is the perfect teammate to help you improve all your stats. Connect with the ball like you never have before and hit a grand slam. Join MLBs biggest star for a whole new season on mobile! Experience the batter vs. pitcher contest like never before!
,大小:635 KB

tag: 运动游戏,java手机游戏,jar手机游戏下载,最新手机游戏,手机游戏 - 运动游戏

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