适用机型:SonyEricsson C702,C902,C905,G705,K770,K800,K800i,K810,K810i,K850i,K888,P3,P990i,S500i,S700,S700c,T650,T650i,T921i,W31S,W595,W595c,W705,W760c,W760i,W880,W900,W900C,W902,W908,W910,W910i,W980,W980i,Z750, [其他只要支持JAVA的手机也都可以玩!]
简介:这是一款集消除、动作与解谜于一身的游戏。在许许多多的星系中解开种种谜题,保护自己,打败对手。多个游戏模式与新奇的挑战在前方等待着,你将体验到前所未有的游戏感受。(Imagine you can conquer whole planets with your puzzle skills! Select your acter of choice and puzzle for resources to defend yourself and to defeat opponents throughout the many galaxies, game modes and challenges. Puzzlegeddon is a game for every taste and play styles which makes you think hard, play smart and act fast! Use your abilities wise and you will this innovative mix of puzzle, action and strategy. Experience a unique game for painiacs and brainiacs alike!)
,大小:1.81 MB