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加州淘金者(California Gold Rush)

  • 名称:加州淘金者(California Gold Rush)
  • 类型:益智游戏
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:11-15 14:23:31
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:1026
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:951 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级
加州淘金者(California Gold Rush)简介

标签:手机游戏免费下载,最新手机游戏,破解手机游戏下载, 本站提供加州淘金者(California Gold Rush)免费下载,http://www.quxue6.com
适用机型:Nokia 5130XM,5320,5320XM,5630XM,5700,5710XM,5730XM,6110n,6120,6120c,6122c,6124c,6210,6210N,6210s,6220c,6290,6710N,6720c,E50,E51,E55,E65,E66,E75,N71,N73,N73ie,N75,N76,N77,N78,N79,N81,N82,N85,N92,N93,N93i,N96, [其他只要支持JAVA的手机也都可以玩!]
简介:为了采集宝贵的金矿和珍贵的古代文物和宝石,你必须对30个矿井进行挖掘和开发。挖掘的过程是危险的,你要防止矿井坍塌,躲避洞里蝙蝠等动物的袭击。你要利用好随身携带的物品,例如地图、炸药等,这是一个充满勇气与智慧的挑战在等待着你。 游戏特色: - 挖掘和开发30个完全不同的矿井! - 在挖掘的过程中有众多危险因素: * 洞穴和隧道是会由于挖掘而坍塌的! * 危险气体会引发爆炸! * 熔岩会流到深层的挖掘隧道中! - 你可以利用金钱购买道具各式各样的道具 - 地图、炸药等道具对你的探险之旅有决定性的帮助! - 发掘潘多拉的宝盒,在危机重重的矿井中寻找古代文物和其他更多的惊喜! Dig and explore up to 30 mines full of unexpected twists! On the hunt for gold, artifacts and gems take care to avoid collapses, cave bats and other dangers. Greedy? Find even more gold before your energy runs out with store-bought supplies like maps, supports and explosives. Get ready for the rush and experience a unique mix of adventure and strategy – never before seen on mobile. Features: - Dig for gold and explore up to 30 mines full of unexpected and dangerous twists! - Avoid dangers as you dig deep below the earth: * Collapsing tunnels! * Exploding gas pockets! * Hot lava streaming into your tunnels! * And More! - Use some of your profits at the general store to improve your luck - Supply yourself with gold maps, different explosives and more! - Discover luck changing, mystery Pandoras boxes, buried artifacts and other surprises! - Enjoy a compelling story that unravels as you play for nearly endless entertainment!
,大小:951 KB
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