11-26 14:11:37 浏览次数:880次 栏目:英语作文
作文:Taiwan, my love(台湾,我的爱)
大同高中3年27班 马振刚
Taiwan is a small island in the Pacific Ocean in Asia. The weather is warm, not cold like the weather in Canada or hot like the weather in Africa. It is a very good place for people to live in. It rains a lot, so we do not have to worry about water. Why do I like Taiwan? It is because of its warm weather, good location, terrific water supply, well-educated people and beautiful scenery. Although the traffic here is getting worse and the crime rate is increasing, Taiwan is still better than any other country in this world. I think these two problems will be improved soon, and then Taiwan will be called a paradise.
,Taiwan, my love(台湾,我的爱)tag: 英语作文,小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,作文大全 - 英语作文