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钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1)

12-26 23:02:51   浏览次数:380  栏目:竞职演讲

标签:竞职演讲稿,党委委员竞职演讲,http://www.quxue6.com 钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1),
When I first became CEO, a famous American television journalist interviewed my dad and asked him if he always knew I would be successful in business. No, he said, quite to the contrary, he worried for years that raising me to be a respectful Chinese daughter would hinder my ability to compete in a world with what he considered the aggressive, cut throat traits of typical America CEO's. In fact, he passed on a letter to me that I keep, translated from Chinese to English, in my desk drawer. The letter reads:
"Remember, there are distinctive qualities that set apart the successful Chinese....strive to excel in all you do; be a superb parent willing to curtail your own pleasure for the sake of better nurturing your children; be generous, fair, tolerant, eager to learn from other cultures while sharing your own. But beyond these attributes, remember to have an absence of arrogance and boastfulness; have unfailing courtesy, forbearance, sensitivity of others' feelings and above all, the ability to diffuse your anger and grievance, not by surppressing them but by transforming them into helpful, positive emotions. In an age and environment of pretension, you have a precious Chinese cultural heritage which we are proud to pass down to you....."
And so, with my parents definition of distinguished leadership in my drawer at all times, I have pushed forward to redefine aggressive as assertive, yet hopefully never abrasive, to insure that I'm tough enough to make the hard decisions, but never unfairly, always treating people well...reminding myself at all times to have the humility and sensitivity which is expected in the Chinese culture, adapted to the needs of the pressing business environment which requires a healthy dose of outwardly expressed confidence and courage.
In a way, my own experiences reflect those of many women in the business arena who struggle to retain the best of who they are while carving out a successful management career. During my visit here, I have met and talked with so many women, and I am truly heartened that the doors of opportunity are beginning to open for women in every field. But I also know that real change is a slow process, so I am hopeful that my own experiences as a woman and as a leader will provide a valuable perspective.
As the company for women, Avon's commitment to providing developmental opportunities for women is second to none. As you might expect, Avon has a solid representation of women in senior management. In fact, this was one of the reasons I joined the company a decade ago, working my way up the ranks through areas of increasing responsibility.
But interestingly, it has only been in recent years that "the company for women" has also emerged as the company for women in senior leadership positions. Until the last decade, women were not well represented in the executive suite. With few exceptions, middle management was about as far as they could go. Here was a company with virtually 100% women customers and sales representatives, yet capable women simply could not get to the top.
This not only proved unfair, it also proved to be a poor business decision. The lack of women in management came to hurt Avon. Between 1975 and 1985, more than twelve and a half million women entered the United States work force. These working women had to be served in new ways. But, at that time, Avon's leadership team was still made up entirely of men. Women's voices weren't heard as we planned our marketing strategy and as a result, sales in our largest market suffered.
Fortunately, Avon learned to change. Men and women now work together as equal business partners. They learn from each other and respect each other. We still offer our male executives an outstanding career opportunity, but now women have an equal chance to succeed.
Today, six out of eleven of Avon's board of directors are women. My number two executive is a woman. Almost half of our management staff around the world are women. And importantly, we have put in place special programs to develop the next generation of women who are being trained and prepared to become General Managers in markets all over the world.
I am equally excited about our progress with the development of the next generation of Avon's women leaders in China. Women now account for 78% of our total workforce here. Even more impressive, 75% of our managers and supervisors are women, and 30% of our most senior executive are women.
With Avon's reputation for promoting women and my own career success, I am often asked for advice on how people can prepare themselves to be the leaders of tomorrow. In fact, over my career, I have come to believe that there are indeed some very special qualities that distinguish all leaders - and help them stand out in today's competitive arena.
First is Passion. You have to love the work you do. You have to be excited to come to work every day. They taught us the four principles of marketing when I went to school: product, price, place, promotion. But they didn't teach us the fifth, most critical principle which as far as I'm concerned is Passion, the key to being truly successful as a leader over the long run.
No matter what career path you choose, I believe you have to love what you do. My own personal experience proves this point. There was a time in my Avon career when I was passed over for a promotion to be the CEO. I had a job offer to be the head of another company, but a woman I respected gave me some good advice. She told me always to follow my heart, not my head. So I followed my heart and stayed at Avon. In the end, I got the promotion, but most important, I have always loved my work, and that has made all the difference.
The next distinguishing quality of leadership is Compassion - caring about people. In my four years as CEO at Avon, I've had to make some tough decisions and difficult calls -eliminating jobs and closing factories. Actions that affect good people. The horrible part of the job. But I believe we demonstrate compassion and treat people fairly, with respect and dignity during those tough decisions. And it is the responsibility for those of us wanting the privilege of being tomorrow's corporate leaders to honor the commitment to compassion and the protection of the human spirit, in spite of the pressures and demands of business today.
Along with compassion comes Humility. Many people are surprised to learn this is one of Avon's core values. None of us has all the answers. And all of us must listen to each other, because listening makes us stronger. One of the things I've learned about myself is that I tend to be impatient in solving problems. Instead of listening to the opinions of others, I try right away to find solutions. I have had to learn that other people can give me valuable input and that listening makes me a better leader.
To be a better listener, I now bring employees from all over the world - including China - to New York City four times a year to hear their suggestions for how to improve our business. I meet with them for a full day and spend most of my time listening. This is one of the most important things I do.
Balance is another essential leadership quality in today's complex world, and it's a quality that is especially critical for women who are juggling many and sometimes competing roles. As a working mother with two children -- my daughter Lauren is 14 and my some Jamie is 6 -- I constantly struggle with the issue of balance. People always ask me how I do it, and my answer is....it's never easy to balance work and family.
I'll give you an example. I belong to an executive committee of CEOs from the business world. Recently we were invited to Washington for a meeting with the President of the United States. This was very exciting to me. What an incredible opportunity. The only problem was, the meeting occurred at the same time as my daughter's first big trip away from home. It was a big moment for her and her friends - to go on a multiple day trip - and my daughter needed me to be there.

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,钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1)
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