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钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1)

12-26 23:02:51   浏览次数:380  栏目:竞职演讲

标签:竞职演讲稿,党委委员竞职演讲,http://www.quxue6.com 钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1),
What should I do. There was never a doubt in my mind. The president wouldn't know if I was there or not. But my daughter would. So I went to the bus with her and I never looked back. It didn't affect Avon that I didn't go to the White House. But I also tell women that it is even all right if your job does sometimes come second to your personal priorities. Sometimes the job is more important.. But sometimes your family has to be more important.
There are two final qualities of distinguished leadership that I want to share with you today. These may be the most important qualities of all and how lucky we are that both are a fundamental part of our Chinese culture - something we all learn from our parents virtually from the day we are born.
First is Perseverance. I'm talking about simple hard work and a commitment to stay the course even when times are tough. In today's fast-pace business environment, unexpected challenges come at you from all directions, with no end in sight. Sometimes I read articles about myself and my career path and it makes it sound so easy. But believe me, it hasn't been easy for a single day. I work far harder now than I ever have in my life. I've had to embrace constant change, and every time I think I've finally mastered the situation a new challenge comes along I hadn't anticipated.
There will be many days when the challenges each of you confront will seem overwhelming. We all have those days; they go with the territory when you are trying to achieve something great.
Perseverance and hard work will see you through the tough times. My parents instilled these qualities in me and it has made all the difference. Sometimes I watch young Americans quit when things are difficult, and I always advise them to try again....and again....and again. Never give up until you achieve your goal. That's what distinguishes those who make it to the top from those who don't.
Hard work is essential.....but all the hard work in the world won't take you anywhere unless you know where it is you want to go.
That's why it's so important to have a dream. This is the final important quality of leadership. Everything great that has ever happened in this world began with a dream.
Avon has big dreams. In fact our company theme this year is "Dream Bigger." We want to be number one in beauty worldwide and number one in satisfying our customers and sales representatives. We want to be the best place to work. We want to be the leader in philanthropy. And we want to be one of the world's most successful companies.
I have a personal dream as well. My dream is to make a real difference for women all over the world and to help transform lives. Every time a woman opens an Avon Beauty Boutique, we are making her dream of business ownership come true. This is the dream of unlimited opportunity This is the dream of hope. It is also the dream of China - where everything is possible and success can be as great as the size of your imagination.
In many ways the dream of China is really the biggest dream of all -- and it's a dream we all share. And we're not alone. The dream of China has captured the world's imagination since the beginning of history. From Columbus to Marco Polo, explorers have traveled long and far to unlock China's mystery and discover its riches.
The dream of China is a gift given to each of us as part of our cultural heritage. As China emerges as one of the world's leading powers, this dream grows stronger and brighter every day. The world is looking on in awe. And nothing makes me prouder than to watch this growth and success. Nothing makes me prouder than to know that this is my culture. Like all of you, I am very proud to be Chinese, and very grateful that I have been given the gift of this wonderful heritage. It is a gift that serves as a source of strength and as a guiding compass every single day in my life and in my career.
In closing, I encourage all of you to take full advantage of the gifts you have been given.
You have the benefit of a precious cultural heritage, including a respect for the value of hard work. You know what is important and you work to achieve it. And your are tenacious in pursuing your goals.
As you pursue these goals, I encourage you to aspire high.
Dream big dreams. Dream bold dreams. Dream as far as your imagination will take you.
Whatever it is you dream of, there is no doubt in my mind you can do it. The world is open to you. So go out there and make all your dreams come true.  


  内容摘要: Good afternoon everyone. I can't tell you how honored I am to be here with you to talk about my thoughts on leadership and to share my experiences as one of only a handful of women today running ... 雅芳董事会主席兼首席行政长官钟彬娴
大家可能还不知道的是,雅芳已在143个国家开展业务,我们运用直销模式,通过超过四百万独立销售代表销售我们的产品。在雅芳开展业务的所有国家中,中国毫无疑问是发展最快的市场。雅芳19xx年进入中国,是最早采用直销模式在此地经营的跨国性企业。这些年来,雅芳不断改变销售方式来适应中国市场和消费者的特殊需求。今天我们的产品通过5000家独立的产品专卖店进行销售,这些专卖店的拥有者都是极具魄力的本地企业家,是她们推动了雅芳业务的成功。 这些产品专卖店的拥有者大部分(超过四分之三)是女性,体现了自雅芳成立之初就制定的为女性同胞提供业务和收入机会的一贯原则。这是我们远景的核心部分,它在全世界所有业务市场上都是一致的。


  内容摘要: Good afternoon everyone. I can't tell you how honored I am to be here with you to talk about my thoughts on leadership and to share my experiences as one of only a handful of women today running ...   当我回首过去十年尤其是最近四年中获得的成就,的确是雅芳获得突破性成功的阶段,惊险刺激,同时也付出了很多辛劳。乘坐过山车似的感觉令我见识了很多有关当今对经营企业越发复杂的要求,关乎我自身能力和常常挑战自己的需要,以及要做一个更好的领导人的不断更新的自我期望。 

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,钟彬娴在清华学子时代论坛上的演讲 Andrea Jung(1)
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