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The Operation (手术)

11-26 14:12:13   浏览次数:249  栏目:英语作文

标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,http://www.quxue6.com The Operation (手术),

作文:The Operation (手术)
中正国中 3年1班 何惠娴        

The doctor told John that he had a serious disease, and he had to have an operation right now. The patient, John, turned pale and asked, "Is it very dangerous?" "Yes," said the doctor, "Five out of six who had this operation died. But you don't need to worry about it." "Why not? asked the patient. "Well, you are bound to be OK because five patients of mine already died after having the operation."

,The Operation (手术)
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