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英语教案-The summer holidays-教学教案

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:623  栏目:高一英语教案

标签:高一下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 英语教案-The summer holidays-教学教案,
  I really wish to go there some day in future.
  (2) --- I cant swim across the wide river.--- Neither / Nor can my sister. (我妹妹也不能)
3.辨析too much & much too
too much + uncountable noun
much too + adj. / adv
There was too much rain last year, as a result, the farmers could have a good harvest.
The coat is much too expensive. I cant afford to buy it.

Teaching Plan for Lesson One

Step 1 Lead in questions
  Introduce yourself to the class by saying Hello everyone. Im very happy to be your new English teacher this term. Do you like English? I am sure that we can become good friends and I will try my best to help you speak English well. Do you want to speak English as well as the native speakers? So you must study hard and do what I will tell you to do. Now Id love to introduce myself to you so that we can become friends very quickly. My name is ……and it is really nice to see you. Now I would love you to introduce yourselves to us. In your introduction you have to tell us what your name is and what middle school you come from and then tell us what you are interested in or what you are good at. (The students can do this task one by one in a very short time.)

Step 2. Listen to the dialogue
  Do you want to make new friends when you come to a new school?
  Suppose you and a classmate of yours meet at the school gate for the first time at the beginning of the new term. But you dont know each other. So you will have a talk with each other in order to go to the classroom together. And maybe you and her/him will become very good friends later on.
Ask the students to listen to a dialogue that happens in such a case in order that they can know what they should say for the first time two people meet.
The students should find out the answers to some questions that the teacher shows them:
  (1) Were Bill and Harry at the same school last year? ( No)
  (2) Did Harry know Bob? ( Yes )
  (3) How do you know it? ( They were in the same class )

Step 3. Listen to the second dialogue
  Ask two students to come to the front of the class. Get to know their names by asking What is your name ? Then the teacher will point to these two students and speak to the whole class, I am very glad to introduce you my new friends. This is Mary and this is John. The students are then supposed to ask these two students some questions to get more information about them. Then let the students listen to the second dialogue which teaches the students how to make an introduction.

Step 4. Practice
  The students are supposed to do group work---- four students make a group and each of them give a brief introduction about themselves. After they get to know each other they are supposed to ask and answer some questions about their summer vacation. The teacher may set an example----the teacher may let the students to then ask them some

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,英语教案-The summer holidays-教学教案
高一英语教案 推荐