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高一英语English is changing教案

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:360  栏目:高一英语教案

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Module 2 Unit3 English Is Changing
一. 单元分析(Unit Analysis)
(一)单元地位(Unit Position)
1. 本课主要论述英语是变化的,变化的目的是为了适应时代的变化和社会的要求。让学生理解语言是自然而然产生的,不是任何人的主观意愿,所以学习语言一定要放在适当的语言环境中去学习。
2. 不同民族的语言是相互影响的,一个国家的语言对其他国家语言的影响多少反映这个国家的综合实力,现在不少外国朋友学习汉语,是中国国力强大的一个表现,以此激励学生的爱国热情。
3. 本课中出现了新的语法现象——同位语从句。本单元学习同位语从句跟在某些抽象名词后面,说明名词的内容。常见的名词有idea, belief, hope, news, information, decision, truth, fact, report, question, promise, possibility等。that在同位语从句中不做成分,但不能省略。同位语从句表示“是否”时用whether,不用if。suggestion, request, proposal 等后面的同位语从句用should + do,should可省略。同位语从句这一语法现象,教师有必要在课堂教学中进行一定量的句型操练。
4. 设计英语小品,情景对话等形式,比如提出建议或给出意见, 让学生操练本单元出现的同位语从句语法现象。

(二)单元目标(Unit Target)
1. 理解英语是活的语言,始终在变化的。
2. 了解同位语从句的结构,学习用同位语从句造句。
3. 学习听特定信息,并在听的过程中做笔记。
4. 学习就提高英语提出建议或给出意见,懂得学习方法因人而异,学习无捷径。
5. 练习基本阅读技巧:通过连接词理解句与句之间的逻辑关系。
6. 了解一些常用的委婉语,并知道如何来使用(p 46 D Thinking about reading),懂得语言表达是分场合的。

(三)单元重点(Unit Points)
1. 关键词:
 语言知识类
answer the needs of, complain about, instead of, as a matter of course, lay emphasis on, follow the thread of, rip off, in general, as a result, give up 
 交际功能类
1)  缩写:ASAP (as soon as possible) BTW (by the way), DIY (do it yourself) IMHO (in my humble opinion), PTO (please turn over)
2)  委婉语:restroom, answer the call of nature, pass away, depart, sanitation man, access controller, house help
2. 功能:
    1)  Making suggestions and Giving advice on Improving one’s English (就提高英语提出建议或给出意见)
 May I ask for your advice on…?
 I’d like to ask for your advice on….
 Could you give me some advice on…?
 I wonder if you could give me some advice on…
 What’s your suggestion?
 If you were me, what would you do?
 Why don’t you go to the English Corner?
 Why not go to the English Corner?
 What about / How about going to the English Corner?
 You’d better practise it every day.
 I suggest / propose that you should listen to English programs regularly.
 If I were you, I’d find someone to help me with my grammar.
 It might be a good idea to watch some good English movies at home.
 Don’t you think it might be a good idea to chat in English on the Internet?
 Have you ever thought of attending an evening school?
 2)Explaining the content of an abstract (“同位语从句”说明抽象名词的内容)
 We are delighted at the news that Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.
 I had no idea whether he would help me with my English.
 The question who destroyed the car still worries me.
3. 语法点:
1) 本课出现了同位语从句,教师讲解同位语从句的同时,就同位语从句和定语从句进行一些区别训练,以强化概念。
The reason  why  he was late was that he missed the bus. (定语从句)
I don’t believe his reason  that  he missed the bus. (同位语从句)
Do you understand the fact  which  he explained to you just now? (定语从句)
Do you know the fact  that  the sun is bigger than the moon?  (同位语从句)
WHO officials were discouraged to hear the news  which  was reported at yesterday’s press conference. (定语从句)
The news  that  scientists so far haven’t found out the cause of bird flu discouraged some WHO officials. (同位语从句)
   2) 同位语从句属于名词性从句,本课是名词性从句的最后一个环节,教师可以帮助学生梳理主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句的异同。

二. 教学设计(Teaching Designs)
教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考
1. Reading 语言变化最大的是词汇部分,很多新词被杜撰以满足社会经济,科技以及文化等各方面的变化。
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