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高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision

12-26 23:19:43   浏览次数:168  栏目:高二英语教案

标签:高二下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision,

高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision由www.quxue6.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.quxue6.com
www.quxue6.com 11.Several weeks passed, she hadn\'t received any encouraging news.
12.All the Disney parks are operated by the same company.
13.It\'s not difficult to operate that machine.
14.The doctor decided to operate on him at once.
15.The operation of a new machine can be hard to learn.
16.Let\'s meet at the entrance to the cinema.
17.He takes along a notebook wherever he goes.
18.He went there in the hope of meeting some of his old friends.
19.Day after day they did the same thing in the factory.
20.The number of the college students is increasing year by year.
21.He walked as far as the village where I lived.
22.As/So far as I know, he is still working there.
23.The waiter soon brought on the meal.
24.More study should bring on your English.
【例1】These photographs will show you ________ .
A.what does our village look like
B.what our village looks like
C.how does our village look like
D.how our village look like
根据上述原则,A和C的语序不对,再是根据look like来判定用what还是how,like是介词,跟名词或代词作宾语,所以应选B。
【例2】Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge, but I can?/FONT>t remember .
A.where B.there C.which D.that
【例3】— to the Capital Theatre?
—The No. 3 bus over there will take you right there.
A.I\'m sorry, which is the way
B.Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get
C.Excuse me, which bus shall I take
D.I\'m sorry, could you tell me how I can get
在已经做了对不起对方的事时,用I?/FONT>m sorry表示道歉;在还未做某事你又认为这事会给对方造成一些麻烦时,用Excuse me。英语中到达某处是get to a place。如果用bus作主语,那么正确的问句是Which bus can take me to the Capital Theatre?因此应选择B项。
The Value of Time
We have many things to do. When we are students, we learn and study. When grown up, we work for society, for our nation, and for the world. We are born to be busy. But we cannot live more than one hundred years; we have only a limited time to do much work. How precious our time is!
Many men do not realize the value of time. This is, indeed, a great pity. \"Time is money\" is an old saying. In fact, it is more valuable than money. Wasting time means wasting a part of our precious life.
We have to form the habit of saving time, instead of spending time uselessly. It is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today, and not leave it till tomorrow. Laziness is the thief of time. It not only brings us failure, but does harm to us as well. Remember that if a man in youth does not do his best, he will feel very sorry when he is old.
—Who is Jerry Cooper?
— ? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting?
A. Don\'t you meet him yet?
B. Hadn\'t you met him yet?
C. Didn\'t you meet him yet?
D. Haven\'t you met him yet?
Go through the gate and you\'ll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side.
If you go through the gate, you\'ll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side.
Use your head and you\'ll find a way.
Keep on trying, and you\'ll succeed.
Inspector:You want to get to King\'s Cross Station?

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,高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision
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