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高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision

12-26 23:19:43   浏览次数:168  栏目:高二英语教案

标签:高二下册英语教案,高中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision,
Peter: Yes.
Inspector:It\'s easy. There is a bus every ten minutes from Stop Number Two. The next bus is at nine, and a ticket to King\'s Cross Station costs fifteen pence. 1 It\'s all in here, you see. This is my first day in my job, but it\'s all in here.

高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision由www.quxue6.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.quxue6.com
www.quxue6.com Peter: Good.
Amy: 2 We want to get to Cross Station by car.
Inspector:By car?
Peter: 3 .
Inspector:Oh. Well, drive along that road. 4 Straight on.
Peter: 5 .
Amy: Yes, thanks. And gook luck in your new job, inspector.
Inspector:Thank you, madam. Goodbye!
A.Yes, sorry.
B.Thank you.
C.Is it so far away?
D.But we are in our car, you see.
E.I\'m afraid I can\'t tell you.
F.It takes ten minutes to get there.
G.It\'s about three kilometers to King\'s Cross Station.
6.When I saw her, she was standing the e to the cinema, waiting for me.
7.Whenever I lose heart in the study of English, she world always e me and help me with it.
8.Can you i living on the moon?
9.We hope your experiment will be a great s .
10.Look! There runs a big m and a cat is running after it.
11.Helping the disabled people__________ him a lot of time after work.
A. spent B. paid C. got D. cost
12.You can take the lift, which is_________ by electricity.
A. worked B. lifted C. ridden D. make
13.Carl_________ San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland.
A. is leaving B. left C. has left D. will leave
14.I remember ____________this used to be a quiet village.
A. when B. how C. where D. what
15.I can hardly imagine Peter __________across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.
A. to sail B. sailing C. sail D. to have sailed
16.I learned to_________ a bicycle as a small boy.
A. drive B. ride C. operate D. run
17.“Do you remember_________ he came?”
“Yes, I do, he came by car.”
A. how B. when C. that D. if
18.You can\'t imagine __________ when they received these nice Christmas presents.
A. how they were excited B. how excited they were
C. how excited were they D. they were how excited
19.The secretary worked late into the night, ____________ a long speech for the president.
A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing
20.The computer centre, _______________ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.
A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened
21.Our headmaster is strict ___________himself and____________ his work.
A. with, in B. with, to C. in, for D. against, for
22._________ __________ you will improve your spoken English.
A. Try your best, and B. Trying your best, or
C. Try to your best, but D. Keep your best, or
23.I don\'t believe_________ is true.
A. that he said B. what did he say
C. what he said D. all did he say
24.Standing on the top of mountain, you\'ll get a wonderful__________ .
A. visit B. sign C. view D. nature
25.He looked everywhere__________ the key to his room.
A. at the hope to find B. on the hope of finding
C. in the hope to find D. in the hope of finding
In school all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages.26 knows his own language, but another one is very useful, 27 when we travel to other countries. If we go to France, we 28 be able to speak French, and in Germany people will 29 us to understand German.
How many languages are there in the world? There are about fifteen hundred , but many of them are not very 30 . English is one of the most important 31 so many people use it, not only in English and the USA, 32 in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 people speak it 33 their own language , and another 200,000,000 use it as 34 language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it. Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so.
English children study French, 35 is also a very important language. An Englishman can 36 find someone in almost all parts of the world who is able to talk to him in either English or 37 .
Which is the best way to learn a language ? We should remember that we all learnt our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language 38 same way, it would not seem so 39 .Think of what a child 40 . It listens to what people say , and it tries to imitate (模仿) what it hears. When it wants something, it 41 ask for it. It is 42 the language, talking in it, and thinking in it all the time. If people had to use a second language all the time , they would learn it quickly.

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,高二英语第一单元Mainly Revision
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