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12-26 23:27:47   浏览次数:417  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语必修五练习册答案,


  一、单项填空   1-5 CBBDC

  二、完形填空  1-5CBBCD        6-10CCADB        11-15 BDAAC

  三、单词填空  1. criticized    2. subway     3. settlers    4. present     5. edition

  6. steadily      7. standard   8. adopt       9. linguists   10. omitted


  1. in favour of visiting the museum

  2. have few interests in common

  3. It makes a great difference

  4. Thanks to your help

  5. is similar to that of the old one


  一、单项填空   1-5  CDCBA

  二、阅读理解  1-4 BCAD

  三、单词填空  1. accent           2. obvious       3. underground    4. difference     5. satellite

  6. confusing     7. structure     8. similar               9. Compare    10. edition


  1. To my surprise, he can work out this problem in another way.

  2. Thanks to Mr. / Miss. Li, I have made great progress in English.

  3. His plan led to a heated discussion at the meeting.

  4. It was very hot yesterday while it is a bit cool today.

  5. The two brothers have nothing in common except their appearance.


  一、单项填空   1-5 BDABD

  二、完形填空  1-5 BBCAB         6-10 ADCDC        11-15 A ABCA

  三、单词填空  1. differed     2. queuing         3. attempt       4. flashlight              5. cute

  6. method/way   7. impressed    8. vacation/holiday     9. encouragement

  10. disappointed

  四、完成句子   1. adding to    2. in favor of      3. referred to as    4. Now that      5. as far as


  一、单项填空   1-5 CBDDC

  二、阅读理解  1-5   CDDBD

  三、单句改错   1. is-was        2. 去掉been      3. reaching-reached  4. help前加 to

  5. prepare-preparing        6. knocked 前加was     7. both-all

  8. vacations-vacation    9. see-seeing               10. lived前加have


  1. They attempted to deal with the problem.

  2. Can you simplify the instructions so that children can understand them?

  3. Rowling’s novel has a distinctive style.

  4. As the day went on, the weather got worse.

  5. He fought against cancer and lived to be eighty.


  一、单项填空   1-5  BDACD

  二、完形填空  1-5 BAABC      6-10DBAAB         11-15 CDABA

  三、单词填空  1. accountant 2. applying  3. offered  4. volunteer  5.signals

  6. encounter  7. qualified  8. permanent  9. stressful  10. deduction

  四、完成句子   1. applied for, salary      2. saying/ reading, No smoking

  3. earns/ makes/ a/ his living         4. took no notice of

  5. a contact with


  一、单项填空   1-5 CDAAC

  二、阅读理解  1-4 CCDA

  三、单词填空  1. qualified          2.  toll              3. mission         4. respects     5.sheer

  6. signal        7.volunteers    8.barber`s        9.stressful     10. personalities


  1. The second-hand house Mr Li has bought is in poor condition.

  2. A large number of volunteers are in demand for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

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高二英语 推荐