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高二英语新课标必修五unit 5学习重点

12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:281  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语新课标必修五unit 5学习重点,


  1. First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.急救是一种帮助的暂时形式,实施与在找到大夫之前突然病倒或受伤的人。

  given tos someone 分词短语修饰help, who引导的从句修饰someone.

  This arrangement is only temporary.这只是暂时的安排.

  Reality is temporary while ideal is permanent.现实是暂时的,理想是永恒的。

  We are easier to fall ill under pressure.我们在压力下比较容易病倒。

  2. if possible如果可能的话

  A single room with a bath,if possible.可能的话我要单人房间,带浴室。

  3.sth happen to sb.某人怎么了

  happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

  It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。

  What will happen to us if computers can do our jobs? 如果电脑能完成我们的工作,会发生什么事情呢?

  We happen to hold the same view.我们两人的想法不谋而合。

  4. …read about “First Aid for Burns” taken from a book called First Aid for the Family. 阅读到“烧伤急救”,节选于书本“家庭急救”

  I like reading. I read about two books a week. 我喜欢读书。我一个星期大约能读两本书。

  What I have given them will be taken from them. 我所赐给他们的,必离开他们过去。

  5. act as 充当,扮演,起作用

  The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。

  6. …it prevents your body from losing too much water. 它保持体内水分

  He prevent what I said from being known by others他没有对任何人透漏我说的话.

  7. sense of touch 触觉

  For, you see, they trusted their own sense of touch very much. 因为,你知道,他们非常相信自己的触觉。

  He has a good sense of smell. 他的嗅觉很灵敏。a keen sense of humor 敏锐的幽默感

  no sense of shame. 没有羞耻感

  a sense of sight [hearing, smell, taste, touch] 视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]

  a sense of duty 责任感sense of beauty 美感

  sense of direction 方向感

  sense of honor 荣誉感

  sense of values 价值观

  sense of justice 正义感

  sense of hunger 饥饿感

  sense of responsibility 责任感 the sixth sense 第六感

  make sense 有道理;讲得通

  8. get burned 烧伤

  Don't expose yourself to the sun for too long. You will get burned 别在太阳下晒得太久,你会被晒伤。

  9. the treatment of burns 治疗烧伤

  treatment ①不可数名词 “ 对待, 待遇,处理; 治疗

  The workers received good treatment from the government. 工人们受到政府优厚的待遇.


  They are trying a new treatment for cancer.他们正在试验治疗癌症的新疗法。

  be under treatment  在治疗中

  be under one’s treatment  接受某人的治疗

  for treatment 进行治疗 treatment for + 疾病的名词


  10. a variety of各种各样的

  People start running for a variety of reasons.人们开始跑步的理由各种各样。

  11. mild sunburn轻度的晒伤

  It's been a mild winter this year. 今年冬天不冷。

  The weather is mild today;it is neither hot nor cold. 今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。

  12. take a few weeks to heal 需要数星期才能痊愈

  13. remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把它脱掉,必要时可以用剪刀。

  He told me to remove the dishes from the table. 他告诉我把盘子从桌上拿走

  remove one's shoes [coat] 脱鞋[上衣]

  remove all doubts 消除一切怀疑

  remove the cloth from the table 把桌上的桌布拿走

  stick to 坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上

  If you think you are correct, you should stick to your idea or principle. 如果您认为您是正确的,您应坚持您的想法或原则。

  burn v. (被)烧毁;(被)烧伤;(被)烫伤 n.烧伤或灼伤(的痕迹)

  v.She burnt all his letters to her.她把所有他寄给她的信都烧了。

  n.There are some burns on her hand.她手上有烧伤的疤痕。

  14. a basin of cold water 一盆冷水

  15. squeeze out 拧出

  to squeeze the juice out of a lemon 榨出柠檬汁

  squeeze money out of [from] sb. 勒索某人的钱财

  16. over and over again 反反复复地,再三地

  They sang the same song over and over again.他们把同一首歌唱了一遍又一遍。

  Television ads are usually repeated over and over again.电视广告通常一遍又一遍地重复播放。

  17. …the wound may get infected. 伤口会感染

  wound, injure, harm 与 hurt:

  wound 一般指外伤,如枪伤,刀伤等,尤指在战场上受伤;也可指在感情上荣誉方面的创伤。

  injure 常指因意外或事故而造成的损伤,还可表示在感情上,荣誉上的伤害,可用于人或物。

  harm 指损害有生命的或无生命的东西;也可指肉体上或精神上的损害。

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