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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:461  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语复习资料:动词填空练习,

  1. There ___(be) great changes here since he left his hometown.       have been

  2. Food ___(need) in the morning because you ___(have) nothing to eat the whole night.  is needed

  3. —What time is it by your watch? —I’m sorry, my watch ___(repair).   is being repaired

  4. —Mr Zhang hasn’t come to work since last week.

  —Where do you think he ___(go)?       has gone

  5. I hope he is getting better now. I hear he ___(have) a bad cold all the month.       has had

  6. Uncle Ben’s plane ___(leave) at 20:00. Let’s go and see him off.       leaves

  7. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ___(change) so rapidly.       is changing

  8. My parents ___(live) in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.       live

  9. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he ___(graduate) from the university next year.       graduates

  10. By the time I applied for the job, my classmates ___(secure) it.       had secured

  11. —Have you finished your homework, Mary?

  —No. I ___(help) my mother in the kitchen all day yesterday.       was helping

  12. —Why were you absent from the meeting?

  —I ___(wait) for a long distance call from my father in Australia. was waiting

  13. —You have made him very angry.

  —I ___(not mean) to.       didn’t mean

  14. —Michael left for California this morning.

  —Really? I thought he ___(not go) until next week.       wasn’t going

  15. —Hi, Bill. You are very late.

  —Oh, I’m awfully sorry. I would have come sooner, but I ___(not know) that you were waiting.       didn’t know

  16. —Can Mike get the first prize for running this time?

  —Impossible now. He ___(expect) to do so,, but he has just hurt his leg.       was espected

  17. —You have agreed to go, but why aren’t you getting ready?

  —Sorry. I ___(not realize) that you ___(want) me to start out at once.    didn’t realize;   wanted

  18. —What ___(happen) by the time I come again five years from now?

  —Great changes ___(take) place already.   will have happened;  will have taken

  19. I arrived just as he ___(leave) the house. He told me he had to fetch his son in the kindergarten immediately.    was leaving

  20. —Remember me to your parents when you go back home.

  —I ___(do) that. Thank you very much indeed.   will do

  21. This time tomorrow, I ___(fly) to London. My plane will arrive at Heathrow Airport before supper time.    will be flying

  22. —Did you tell him where she ___(go)?

  —Yes. And I also told him that she ___(not come) back until next month. had gone; wouldn’t come

  23. If Jane ___(receive) this letter, she ___(be) happy.       received; would be

  24. I couldn’t go into the army because I was deaf in one ear. I ___(go) into the army if I ___(not lose) my hearing.       would have gone; hadn’t lost

  25. Do you think that man ___(lend) me his bike if I ___(ask) him sincerely.       would lend; asked/would have lent; had asked

  26. It is required that the crops ___(harvest) at once.       (should) be harvested

  27. If you had worked carefully, you ___(not make) so many mistakes.       would not have made

  28. My idea is that we ___(get) more people to attend the meeting. (should) get

  29. It is about time that the fences __(mend).       were mended

  30. If there ___(not be) such a severe draught(旱灾) in Guizhou and Yunnan now, people there ___(can get) another good harvest this coming summer.       weren’t; could get

  31. If I ___(be) you, I would try to look for a well paid job in Shanghai.       were

  32. They talked as if they ___(be) good friends for years.       had been

  33. If I ___(leave) a little earlier, I ___(catch) the train.       had left, would have caught

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高二英语 推荐