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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:628  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语基础语法综合测试题,

  108 ___ (助动词)you against or for the plan?

  109 The cars produced in this factory _____ (send)abroad soon.

  110 What is the answer ____ (介词)this question?

  111 Because he was too tired, he fell ____ (入睡)soon.

  112 A new railway is said to be _____ (介词)construction.

  113 We keep working hard from dawn _____ (介词)dark.

  114 He ____ (记日记)a diary every day.

  115 I don’t doubt _____ (连词)he will be successful.

  116 I ____ (be) eager to know who took my son away.

  117 Leifeng has set a good example ____ (介词) us all.

  118 Who do you think _____ (纵/放火)fire to the building?

  119 Because of the long journey, I am not ___ (副词) tired.

  120 The price for the IBM PC 386 is much _______ (便宜得多)than that of the IBM PC 586.

  121 David has been married ____ (介词)Lisa for ten years.

  122. ______ (冠词)number of people who travel by airplane is larger than ever before.

  123 Tom still stood there with his hands _____.(raise)

  124 The patient has already _____.(recover)

  125 The majority of the people ___ (be) in favour of the plan

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