12-26 23:18:37 浏览次数:879次 栏目:高二英语
They say that a man called Cai Lun made paper from the bark of a tree in about 105 AD. If so, he is a man of whom China can be proud. Paper was a very important invention because it was cheap and people could afford to buy it. Before that time, writers had used expensive materials such as silk. The invention was immediately successful. However, paper did not spread to other countries for another 500 years.
Printing was invented in China as early as 868 AD. The book in which printing first appeared was called The Diamond Sutra. With printing, it became possible t produce many copies at the same time. In 1041 AD, a chemist called Bi Sheng invented a type of print that could move. It was not until 1454 that the first book was printed in Europe.
The first time that we hear of a real toothbrush is in a Chinese book of 1498 AD. This toothbrush could clean teeth quickly and well. The toothbrush only reached Europe in the seventeenth century, when it quickly became very popular.
Module 6 听力原文
M: What are you looking for?
W: A map of China.
M: I've got a book here that has lots of maps of China. It's called Maps of the World. Which place
are you looking for?
W: I'm trying to find the Three Gorges Dam.
M: Is it a big dam?
W: Big-it's absolutely enormous!
M: I saw a film on TV about a dam last night.
W: Really? Which one? The Three Gorges Dam?
M: No. The film I saw wasn't about the Three Gorges Dam.
W: Wasn't it?
M: No. It was another dam. It was in Egypt.
W: Was it an interesting film?
M: Interesting? It was absolutely fascinating!
W: We visited the Three Gorges Dam in December.
M: Really? How did you get there?
W: We took a boat that went up the Yangtze River.
M: Was it a nice trip?
W: Nice? It was absolutely wonderful!
W: What are you doing?
M: I'm writing an email to some people I met on the boat.
W: Where are they from?
M: Vietnam. They were on a visit organised by the government.
W: How many of them were there?
M: Well, I spoke to a man who said there were 25 in the group.