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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:357  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语公开课教案,

  Teaching aims

  Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in bold in this part:

  Teaching important points

  Get students to learn different reading skills.

  Teaching difficult points

  1.Develop students’reading ability.

  2.Enable students to learn to talk about the life .

  3.Let students learn to use comparing and contrasting when writing.

  Teaching methods

  1.Task-based teaching and learning

  2.Cooperative learning


  Teaching procudure;

  Step I. Greeting

  Step ⅡRevision

  Review some new words and phrases in this unit

  take up   lose sight of  by a flash

  sweep up  be back on one;”s feet

  switch to  be lacking in    previous to

  leave a good impression on sb   slide into

  Step ⅢReading

  1. Scan the passage and find out the answers

  1. Who wrote this e-mail?

  2. Who is the e-mail for?

  3. What is his e-mail?

  4. How did he feel when he left his own time?

  5. How did he get to the year 3008?

  6. What did he notice first when he arrived in AD3008?

  2. Explain some language points and the past participle used as the adverbial

  1).take up /on/away/over/care of

  If I didn”t take up the challenge, it would mean I failed

  2).tolerate/put up with/stand/ bear

  We cannot tolerate cheating in exams

  3).be lacking in/lack for nothing/no lack of

  The teacher said the child was lacking in confidence

  = The teacher said the child lacked confidence

  4).lose sight of/out of sight

  catch sight of/ in sight

  Her father didn”t leave until he lost sight of her

  3. Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with proper words or phrases. Check the answers with the whole class

  Dear Mun and Dad,

  I___my prize that was wan last year so that I could travel to the year AD3008.As I ___time lag, which is ___the jet leg, my friend, Wang ping gave me some green tablets. Then we got into a capsule though a small ___.a few minutes later, we arrived. In the new surroundings, I was hit by the ___ fresh air. My head ached. Wangping handed me a___ and said,‘put it on and it will make you feel much better”. I felt better ___.then I followed him to collect a havering carriage driven by computer.just when we reached what looked like a large market,I ____Wangping.he was ___into the center of fling carriages.

  Arriving at a strange-looking house.he showed me into a large, bright room. In the house I had a brief meal and a hot bath, exhausted,I ___bed and fell fast asleep.

  More news later from your loving son.

  Li Qiang

  4. Read the passage aloud, pay attention to the rhythm and intonation

  Step Ⅳ Practise

  If time permits. Do the exercises in WB P29.check the answers

  Step Ⅴ Homework

  1.Learn all the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.

  2.Read the passage again after class and finish exercises  in WB

高二英语 推荐