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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:567  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语暑假完形填空辅导一对一,


  Television broadcasts are limited to an area that is within the    1    of the sending station or its relay.   2    television relays are often placed on hills and mountains so that they can    3    a wider region, they still can not cover as much as people expect.

  However, the rays also go out into the atmosphere.  4   there is a relay station on a satellite that revolves around the earth, it can send the pictures to any point on the earth from which the satellite can be    5   .Three satellites periodically turning around over the equator will send    6    television program to any part of the earth.This makes it possible for world    7    of newspapers to give the news in all countries at the same time.Someday it may be possible for a subscriber to a televised newspaper to press a button and see a newspaper page    8     his television screen.He could also decide when he wants the page    9   .Moreover, by dialing different numbers such as    10   on a telephone dial, he could choose the language or the edition of the paper he wants to read.

  1.A.range B.viewC.miles  D.distance

  2.A.Even B.AlthoughC.Unless  D.Whenever

  3.A.cover B.spreadC.help  D.pass

  4.A.Then B.ThereforeC.So  D.If

  5.A.watched B.seenC.spotted  D.protected

  6.A.one   B.allC.some   D.any

  7.A.population B.editionsC.articles      D.reports

  8.A.at    B.inC.on   D.by

  9.A.turn    B.to turnC.turning     D.to be turned

  10.A.what      B.theseC.those        D.ones

  Keys:  A B A D B   D D C D C

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