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九年级 U5 The Accident

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:221  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级 U5 The Accident,
 As quickly as she could (= As quickly as possible), Miss Zhao got a medicine box.

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 The boy ran towards school as fast as he could (= as fast as possible).
 You must be as careful as you could (= as careful as possible) when you cross the road.
19. hurry up vi. 赶快(不用于否定句,常用于命令句)
 Hurry up, or you will be late.
 hurry off / away vi. & vt. 匆匆离去
 Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.
20.With the medicine under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.
  with + 名词 + 介词短语:这一结构可用作状语,表示伴随状况。
 The teacher came in with a book under his arm.
 The poor woman walked through the street with a baby on her back.
21. A gets help from B = B gives help to A
 Jim gets help from Tom. = Tom gives help to Jim.
 吉姆从汤姆那儿得到帮助。= 汤姆向吉姆提供帮助。
I. 找出含有题前所给单词划线部分发音的词。
1. lose A. move B. drop C. both D. nose
2. while A. politely B. luckily C. police D. winner
3. crowd A. know B. enough C. sound D. draw
4. language A. past B. basketball C. village D. travel
5. passed A. crowded B. stopped C. traveled D. hurried
II. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1. How many ______ are there in the city? (library)
2. What ______ the Smiths ______ (do) when you went there?
3. There was a book ______ on the desk. (lie)
4. The bell rang while we ______ (play) pingpong.
5. He was ______ to win the match. (luck)
6. While my parents ________ (watch) TV, I ________ (do) my homework.
7. He was _______ hurt in this accident. (bad)
8. The children were shouting loudly but the driver ______ (not hear) them.
9. ________ (work) hard at your lessons and ______ (not talk) in class.
10. What does that man do? He is a gate ______ (keep).
III. 按括号内的要求改变下列句子。
1. They were travelling too fast. (该成一般疑问句)
2. You‘d better give him a ring at once. (改为否定句)
3. The twins went to bed after they finished their homework.
(用not … until改写句子)
4. The girls let the traffic go again at 12 o’clock. (用not…until改写句子)
5. Please crowd round the teacher.(改为否定句)
IV. 单项选择.
1. --- _____ Wei Fang learning Russian last night?
--- Yes.
 A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Did
2. It‘s warmer today. You’d better ______ your thick sweater.
 A. put on B. wear C. take off D. put in
3. Yesterday Tom climbed a tree and fell ________ .
 A. away B. out C. from D. off
4. Be quick, ________ we‘ll be late for school.
 A. and B. so C. when D. or
5. My uncle always sleeps ________ his eyes open.
 A. and B. but C. when D. with
6. After I used his bike, I ________ .
 A. gave him back to it B. gave him back it
 C. gave it back him    D. gave it back to him.
7. I heard them ________ about you yesterday.
 A. to talk B. talked C. talk D. were talking
8. The Greens ________ at table when I went in.
 A. sat B. was sitting C. were sitting D. is sitting
9. The boy was just looking out of the window ________ the teacher called him.
 A. before B. until C. when D. and
10. When we do our homework, we must be ________ .
 A. as carefully as we can B. as careful as we can
 C. as we can as carefully D. as we can as careful
11. When she ________ , she dropped her pen.
 A. pasted B. walked passed C. past D. walked past
12. We went to move the bag away and let the girls ________ help from the school.
 A. to go and find B. go and to find
 C. go and find D. went and found

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,九年级 U5 The Accident
初三英语教案 推荐