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lesson101 Unit26

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:424  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com lesson101 Unit26,


Step 3



 Step 4

 Look and say  10’


Step 5

Ask and answer  8’

Step 6 Practice



Step 7



 Homework    1’


Step 1 Revision

1 Review numbers 1-100. Teach numbers 101- 200. Tell the students to say one hundred and one for 101, one hundred and twenty-two for 122, etc.

2 Revise personal details: What's your name? Where are you from? / Where do you come from? How old are you? What do you like to do? What's your address? etc.

3 Get the students to ask each other in pairs and then to make a short report about their partners.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Use pictures or gestures to teach driver. Get one student to hold the picture or make the gestures. Ask What do you do? Help the student to answer I'm a driver. Ask the students What does he / she do? Help them to say She /He's a driver. Call out more students to hold the pictures or make the gestures for farmer, student, soldier, worker, businessman, doctor, shop assistant, nurse and postman. Ask randomly What do you do? What does she /he do?

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,lesson101 Unit26
初三英语教案 推荐