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键盘操作 教学设计

12-26 23:19:43   浏览次数:618  栏目:初中信息技术教案

标签:初中信息技术教案大全,http://www.quxue6.com 键盘操作 教学设计,
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um? (4) The war began in 1939, victory came in 1945. (5) It’s 43560 square feet. (6)What about something to eat? 练习二:输入下面的对话。 What are you going? Visitor: Excuse me. How can I get to Beijing station? Xiao Min: Go down this road, turn right at the second crossing and  you’ll see the station. 练习三:输入下面的短文:                  Bob’s Sunday     It was a fine day last Sunday. Bob got up very late.   He had breakfast at nine. Then he played computer games. After lunch his friend came to see hime. They went swimmingf.  In the evening, he watched a film on TV.  He did not do his homework. He went to bed at ten.  Bob’s Sunday was a busy day. 练习四:输入下面的诗歌:                The Colour of The Sky                     Spring is green,                     Summer is bright,                     Autumn is golden,                     Winter is white.                            Year in year out,                            Year in year out,                            We work and fight for a better world with sun-light,                            World with sun-light.

第四节   Windows 98的基本界面

打开计算机后,计算机硬件系统通过自身检查,没有硬件错误后,将控制权移交给磁盘上已经存在的软件系统。这个软件系统就是操作系统。 下图是Windos 98启动后的基本画面,呈面在你面前的整下屏幕区域称为桌面。

任务栏 快速启动工具栏

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