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听对话练习听力Listen 12

12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:744  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 听对话练习听力Listen 12,

  laurance--There's a good chance that Mary will get home today.

  soony--Teah.I had a letter from her friend,Susan, yesterday,and she said that Mary would probably arrive today.

  laurance--Well, I hope she drives carefully.You know how the traffic is this time of year.

  soony--Oh.Mary's a good driver--and pretty careful,too. I don't think we need to worry about her being careless.

  laurance--true,but,nonetheless,that doesn't mean that all the other drivers are careful.There are a lot of wild drivers out there.

  soony--I have confidence in Mary.She's very good about driving defensively.


  a good chance:有很大的可能性.

  about her being careless:her being careless 是复合宾语


  drive defensively:意思是开车时谨慎小心



  laurance--There's a good chance that Mary will get home today.

  soony--Teah.I had a letter from her friend,Susan, yesterday,and she said that Mary would probably arrive today.

  laurance--Well, I hope she drives carefully.You know how the traffic is this time of year.

  soony--Oh.Mary's a good driver--and pretty careful,too. I don't think we need to worry about her being careless.

  laurance--true,but,nonetheless,that doesn't mean that all the other drivers are careful.There are a lot of wild drivers out there.

  soony--I have confidence in Mary.She's very good about driving defensively.


  a good chance:有很大的可能性.

  about her being careless:her being careless 是复合宾语


  drive defensively:意思是开车时谨慎小心

,听对话练习听力Listen 12
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