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九年级 In the library

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:370  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级 In the library,


11. from now on(副)从今以后

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 I will be more careful from now on.


 I will work hard from now on.




I. 单词辨音。

1. A. politeB. pityC. giveD. strict

2. A. severalB. shelfC. reportD. helpful

3. A. whiteB. whatC. whereD. whose

4. A. paysB. awayC. saysD. plays

5. A. scienceB. dictionaryC. excuseD. music

6. A. starB. parkC. quarterD. hard

7. A. houseB. countC. aboutD. country

8. A. learnB. earlyC. heartD. earth


II. 找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的词语。

( ) 1. Miss Yang is very helpful.

  A. reads many books

  B. is a very kind teacher

  C. is always ready to help others

( ) 2. There are several books on the shelf.

  A. some

  B. few

  C. many

( ) 3. She always comes on time.

  A. late

  B. early

  C. not late or early

( ) 4. At that moment, Lucy came into the library.

  A. Now

  B. At that time

  C. Just now

( ) 5. He returned the book to the library.

  A. bought

  B. gave back

  C. borrowed

III. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

 1. ________ you ________ (write) a letter in English before.

 2. I ___________________ (just read) an interesting story.

 3. Such a thing ____________ (never happen) before.

 4. My brother ____________ (not do) well in the English exam (考试).

   He ________ (fall) behind. He ________ (be) more careful from now on.

 5. As you ________ (lose) your pen, you can use mine now.

 6. When you ________ (do) your work, you can have a holiday.

 7. When you ________ (come) tomorrow, please bring your wife.

 8. I ________ (ride) my bike along when something ________ (hit) me from behind.

IV. 综合选择。

 1. I lost my book yesterday. So my mother told me to be ________ from then on.

  A. most careful

  B. more careful

  C. carefuler

  D. more carefuler

 2. I lost a science book and had to go to the library to __________ .

  A. pay it

  B. pay for

  C. pay it for

  D. pay for it

 3. Have you returned the book ________ ?

  A. as B. yet   C. too D. also

 4. I have studied English ________ three years.

  A. for B. /   C. in D. before

 5. He went round the whole school and tried to ________ his lost bike.

  A. find B. look for C. see   D. get

 6. My watch is different ________ yours.

  A. as B. with  C. to D. from

 7. My father is a doctor in this hospital. My mother ________ here.

  A. too works   B. works too C. also works  D. works also

 8. ________ were pleased at the happy news.

  A. Whole city  B. The whole city C. Whole the city D. The all city

 9. Our English teacher is very strict ________ us.

  A. in B. to  C. for D. with

 10. Please try to find the answer ________ this question.

  A. of B. to  C. for D. with

 11. “Have you ________ seen the film?” “No, never.”

  A. never B. just  C. ever D. yet

 12. My parents like us children ________ to bed early and ________ up early.

  A. going, getting    B. to go, to get

  C. to go, get       D. going, get

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,九年级 In the library
初三英语教案 推荐