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九年级 In the library

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:370  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级 In the library,

 13. There will be a talk ________ American history this afternoon.

  A. with B. in C. on D. for

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 14. _________ go and ask your sister to see the film with us?

  A. What about B. Why don‘t C. Why not D. Do you please

 15. When you speak to your teacher, you should be ________ .

  A. as polite as possible

  B. as politely as possible

  C. as you can as politely

  D. as polite as you could

V. 阅读理解

  Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house. He could go there and come home by bus or by school-bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got back on time, but last Friday he came home late from school. When he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting-room. When she saw him, she said, “Why are you late today, Tom?”

  “My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after school?” Tom answered.

  “To the headmaster”his mother said in surprise.“Why did she send you to him”

  “Because she asked a question in class,”Tom said,“and none of the children gave her the answer except me.”

  His mother was angry. “ But why did the teacher send you the headmaster then? Why didn’t she send all the other children” she asked Tom.

  “Because her question was who put glue (胶水) on my chair”

1. Tom went to school ________ .

 A. by bus B. by school-bus C. on foot D. by bike

2. Tom‘s school was ________ .

 A. far from his house

 B. not far from his house

 C. in front of his house

 D. on the other side of the street

3. Last Friday Tom came home late because ________ .

 A. he didn’t come home by bus

 B. he put some glue on the teacher’s chair

 C. the headmaster asked the teacher to do it

 D. he could answer the question correctly (正确地)

4. Who do you think Tom‘s mother would be angry with at the end of the story?
 A. Tom’s teacher B. The headmaster C. Tom  D. Tom‘s classmates


VII. 完形填空。

  Nasreddin is an old man. ____1____ he and some of his old friends were talking ____2____ young people in their town. They _____3____ agreed that old people were cleverer than ____4____ . Then one of the old men said, “But young men are ____5____ than old men.”

  ___6____ of them agreed that it was ____7____ except (除…之外) Nasreddin. He said, “No, I am as strong now as I ____8____ in my young days.”

  “____9____ do you mean” said his friends. “How ____10____ that be true (真的)?”

  “Well,”said Nasreddin,“____11____ is a big stone at a corner(角落) of my field. ____12____ I was a young man, I tried to ____13____ it, but I couldn’t. I am old now. I ____14____ can‘t move it, just like when I was ____15___ .”

1. A. A day B. Other day C. One day D. Some day 2. A. to B. with C. over D. about 3. A. both B. every C. everyone D. all 4. A. the young B. young C. the little D. little 5. Stronger B. cleverer C. better D. more foolish 6. Every B. Nobody C. All D. Some 7. Wrong B. right C. sure D. all right 8. A. am B. did C. will be D. was 9. A. How B. What C. Which D. Who 10. A. will B. must C. shall D. can 11. A. Here B. There C. This D. It 12. A. Because B. After C. When D. Before 13. A. move B. get C. carry D. find 14. A. maybe B. certainly C. sometimes D. still 15. A. old B. big C. small D. young

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,九年级 In the library
初三英语教案 推荐