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Make our world more beautiful-教学教案

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:358  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com Make our world more beautiful-教学教案,

(6) because good environment can be good for our health, and if the environment is very bad, it can harm the earth and the people living on it.

(7) the answer to this question may be:

1. don’t smoke

2. don’t pour waste water into the rivers or throw about waste paper and bottles everywhere

3. don’t spit in the public place or draw pictures on the public walls

4. don’t cut down the trees

6. Homework

(1) get ready to have a dictation of the new words in unit 3

(2) recite part one with your partner

(3) finish the work in workbook and the exercise book

Lesson 10

Make our world more beautiful

1. Revision

(1) To ask the class some relative questions:

How long have you studied in this school?

How long hove you learnt English?

How long have you been a league member?

How long has your father worked in his factory?

How long has your mother worked in the hospital?

How long has your sister studied in the college?

(2) To act the dialogue out in lesson 9.

2. Enter/ Pre-read

Talk about the following questions:

(1) What things can harm the environment?

(2) What do you think we should do to improve our environment?

3. read

(1) Questions

Listen to the tape carefully, and find out the answer to the questions:

What things can you do to deep the environment clean?

Don’t throw litter on the ground, don’t draw pictures on walls, don’t spit in a public place, and don’t cut down trees.

What things can you do to improve the environment?

Pick up rubbish and throw it into a dustbin, collect waste paper and bottles for recycling, plant trees and flowers.

(1)Explaining the new words:

Rubbish: things people don’t want to use again

Litter: things people throwing in the public place

Rubbish means trash in the USA.

Produce means making something

Recycle: collect waste things for reuse.

Neighborhood: a group of people lived together

(1) Listen and repeat and then do exercise 1 in the workbook.

(2) Talk about how to protect the environment with the last three questions in exercise 1

(3) Exercises:

A piece of beautiful music came to my ears.

I _______ a piece of nice music.

There was a truck _______ rubbish outside.(collect)

________ care of our environment is very important. (take)

What makes the man very sad? _______ his p

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,Make our world more beautiful-教学教案
初三英语教案 推荐