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九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:866  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本,

Unit 1 Smile and Say Hello
男Part I Listening and Speaking
男2. Listen and tick the right answer.
男孩1 Li Lei: Excuse me, could I sit here?
男孩2 Tom: Sure, it’s not taken.
男孩1 Li Lei: Thank you. My name is Li Lei, by the way.
男孩2 Tom: Nice to meet you. I’m Tom.
男孩1 Li Lei: Nice meeting you, too. Where do you go to school?
男孩2 Tom: I am beginning my junior year at Beijing International School.
男孩1 Li Lei: Really? I am a third year student at that school.
男孩2 Tom: How do you like pizza?
男孩1 Li Lei: It’s delicious. I often come here to enjoy it.
男3. Listen to two dialogues and fill in the information.
男Dialogue A
男A: Nice day, isn’t it?
女B: Yes, it is. Do you always read on the train?
男A: Oh, sometimes. Are you going to San Francisco?
女B: Yes, that’s right. I am going to visit my parents. They live there.
男A: Oh, really? I’m going to visit my sister. She lives there, too. Are you a student?
女B: Yeah, I am studying history at the University of California.
男A: No kidding! So am I. I am Michael Andrews, by the way.
女B: Hi, Michael. I am Mary Green. Nice to meet you.
男A: Nice meeting you, too.
男Dialogue B
男A: Great party, isn’t it?
女B: Sure. Bill and Susan always have great parties.
男A: This is my first time. I only met Susan last week. She and I teach at the same school.
女B: Oh, so you’re a teacher at Beijing International School?
男A: Yeah, that’s right.
女B: Which subject do you teach?
男A: Music. How about you?
女B: I work for a children’s magazine.
男A: It must be a lot of fun to be a journalist.
女B: Right. And I am developing more interest in child education.
男A: Wonderful. By the way, my name is Henry Evans.
女B: Glad to meet you. I’m Ann Taylor.
Unit 2 Body Language
男Part I Listening and Speaking
男2. Listen and match.
女A: Can you guess what American Indians used to communicate when they spoke different languages?
男B: If I were they, I would think of using signs.
女A: That’s exactly what they did. When one group of American Indians met another group, they had to make signs with their hands to understand each other.
男B: Do you know some of their signs?
女A: Yes. I learned some in today’s history class. See, if they were hungry, they would move the right hand back and forth across the stomach. If they wanted to express, “Let’s eat”, they would make the right hand in the shape of a cup and move it up and down in front of the mouth.
男B: What if they were full?
女A: If they were full, they would separate the first finger and the one next to it, and move the hand from the chest to the chin.
男B: How interesting!
男3. Listen and match each father with his action when he is angry.
女Miss Wang: Hi, class, today we’ll talk about body language. First, I’d like to ask you a question. Would you tell me how your father acts when he is angry?( pause ) Grace?
女孩1 Grace: When my father is angry, he speaks less, and just sits on the sofa and watches TV.
女Miss Wang: Oh, so he tends to be quiet. What about your father, Lin Li?
女孩2 Lin Li: He’s different from Grace’s father.  My father speaks loudly to show his anger.
女Miss Wang: Interesting. And Yang Lin, what about your father?
男孩Yang Lin: When my father is angry, his face turns white.
女Miss Wang: So, you see, even if your father doesn’t say he is angry, you can read his emotion from the way he talks and acts. And that is body language.
男4. Listen again and complete the dialogue.
男Unit 3 Happy Halloween
男Part I Listening and Speaking
男2. Listen and match the dialogues with the related holidays.
男Dialogue A
女孩A: Come on, Jack, take a big bag with you.
男孩B: Why?
女孩A: Have you forgotten what day it is?
男孩B: Oh, yes. Let’s go door to door and trick or treat!
男Dialogue B
男A: Hi, you’re painting the eggs. Can I be of any help?
女B: Yes, indeed. Would you please hide these eggs in the park? The children can’t wait for the egg hunt.
男A: No problem.
男Dialogue C
女孩1 Zhang Fang: Alice, I have finished all the lights on the tree, is there anything else?
女孩2 Alice: Help me move the tree a little bit.
男3. Listen to two conversations and choose the right answer.
男Conversation A:
男孩A: Zhang Fang,could you tell me when the Dragon Boat Festival is?
女孩B: It is celebrated on fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
男孩A: What do people usually do on that day?
女孩B: Just as its name suggests, people will have a dragon boat competition. It’s a Chinese tradition.
男孩A: How do you spend that day? Anything special?

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,九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本
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