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九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:866  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本,
男Dialogue C:

九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本由www.quxue6.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.quxue6.com
女孩A: Mike, do you have any idea where Suzhou is?
男孩B: Yes, I’ve been there. It is in the east of China, north of the city of Shanghai.
女孩A: The tour guide says it is a city of gardens. Can you guess how many gardens it has?
男孩B: I remember it has about 100 gardens. I didn’t believe it at first until I visited that city for three days. 
男Dialogue D:
男孩A: Grace, where are you going for your vacation?
女孩B: My family plans to go to Brisbane.
男孩A: Brisbane? Where is that?
女孩B: It’s a city in Australia. It lies on the famous gold coast, north of Sydney.
男孩A: If you go there, can you get me some Australian stamps?
女孩B: No problem. I will send you postcards from there unless my parents change their plans.

九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本由www.quxue6.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.quxue6.com

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,九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本
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