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九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:866  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本,

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女孩B: Me? I enjoying helping my mom make rice dumplings, the special food we Chinese eat on that day. It looks easy, but actually it requires many skills.
男孩A: Hmm, that must be fun.
男Conversation B:
男孩A: Grace, when do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
女孩B: It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.
男孩A: Why do you Americans celebrate such a holiday?
女孩B: People started this holiday to give thanks to the native Americans. They gave a lot of help to early settlers. Now we take this chance to thank anyone who has helped us.
男孩A: What are the traditions of Thanksgiving?
女孩B: People usually have dinner with their family members. Traditional dishes are turkey, mashed potatoes and apple pie.
男孩A: What about your family?
女孩B: Every year we cook dinner with some of my parents’ friends. They like making different things. They enjoy making fish soup.
男孩A: Sounds like fun. Do you help them make the dinner?
女孩B: No, they only have me wait in the dining room.
Unit 4 Michael Jordan
男Part I Listening and Speaking
男2. Listen and tick the best answer to each question.
女A: Honey, I have put on some weight.   
男B: Oh, yeah, indeed.                      
女A: I really need more exercise, don’t I?     
男B: Yes, quite right. Well, perhaps you ought to take up golf, or something like that.     
女A: Mm, I don’t really like golf. I think it’s such a boring sport!              
男B: Well, perhaps we should join the tennis club.    
女A: Yes, that’s a good idea. Then we can both play.                         
男B: All right. I’ll pick up a couple of membership forms tomorrow. 
男3. Listen to three dialogues and fill in the information.
男Dialogue A
男孩1Li Lei: An exciting basketball game, isn’t it?
男孩2Dave: Yes, it is. At the beginning I thought Class One would surely win in the end.
男孩1Li Lei: Yes, they were brave at the beginning, but Class Three did a better job. Yang Lin wasn’t bad, was he?
男孩2Dave: No, he wasn’t. He did a great job.
男Dialogue B
男孩A: You are a sports fan, aren’t you?
女孩B: Yes, I am. I am especially fond of watching tennis.
男孩A: Really? I like that too. You must have heard of Steffi Graf. She is my hero.
女孩B: She was so good, wasn’t she? Many people like her.
男孩A: It’s a pity she retired.
女孩B: Do you have any recent news about her?
男孩A: I’ve read from the website that since retirement, she has devoted herself to children’s welfare.
女孩B: Good for her! 
男Dialogue C
男孩1Liu Feng: Hi, Yang Lin. I’ve got the message. What did you call me to do?
男孩2Yang Lin: Hi, Liu Feng. Thank you for calling me back. Do you want to play badminton this afternoon?
男孩1Liu Feng: I’m sorry I can’t. We are going to visit my grandparents. What about tomorrow?
男孩2Yang Lin: Are you kidding? Tomorrow is Monday. We have classes.
男孩1Liu Feng: Oh, I forgot. Let me see… What about 4 o’clock after school is over?
男孩2Yang Lin: That’s fine with me. Remember to take your racket with you.
男孩1Liu Feng: I’ll see you tomorrow.
男孩2Yang Lin: See you.
男Unit 5 The Forbidden City
男Part I Listening and Speaking
男2. Listen to four dialogues and tick true or false.
男Dialogue A:
男孩A: Kelly, are you going to the Great Wall this weekend?
女孩B: No, it’s so far. Isn’t it in the north of Beijing?
男孩A: Yes, it is. Still I want to see the longest wall in the world.
女孩B: Do you have any idea how long it is?
男孩A: This book says it is 6,400 kilometers long.
女孩B: Wow!No wonder it is called the Great Wall.
男孩A: Come on! Let’s go together. You will never know how great it is unless you see it with your own eyes.
男Dialogue B:
男孩A: Linda, have you been to Tian’anmen Square?
女孩B: Sure I have. It is in the center of Beijing.
男孩A: The article says it is the biggest square in the world. Do you know how big it is?
女孩B: It covers an area of 4,400 square meters with 880 meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west. Am I right?
男孩A: Yes, the same as the tour guide says. Still I can’t imagine how big it is.
女孩B: You should go there yourself. You won’t believe how great you feel  unless you stand right there in the square.

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,九年级英语上册Unit 1—Unit 5录音脚本
初三英语教案 推荐