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九年级英语Great inventions全模块教案

12-26 23:26:40   浏览次数:968  栏目:初三英语教案

标签:初三下册英语教案,初中英语教案,http://www.quxue6.com 九年级英语Great inventions全模块教案,

课题 Module 4 Great inventions
Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages
教  学  目  标 德育目标:To know something about the history of paper inventing
知识目标:To get information about the history of paper inventing from the conversation
能力目标:To talk about the advantages of some inventions
         To practise the passive voice of the future tense, perfect tense and modal verbs. 
重点 Vocabulary
advantage,  battery , borrow , camera, charge  lend  look after,
online, photo, promise,   same, turn off, turn on
难点 the passive voice of the future tense, perfect tense, and modal verbs. 
课型 Listening and speaking
教法 PWP approach
Teaching Procedures:
Step one: Revision    1)Talk about some great invention, recall the words of inventions:
TV, computer, watch, radios, camera, digital camera, photo, mobile phone, internet….
Teach: online magazine
2) Recall what we have learned in the last Module
Step two: Listening and vocabulary
1. Talking: What’s the advantage of an online magazine?
2. Listen and check the words
3. Listen and read
⑴ Play the tape to let the Students get the answer: Can the digital camera be borrowed from Tony’s Dad?
⑵Do Activity 4.Get the students to show their answers.
⑶Listen and repeat.
Notes:Everyday English
 Can I ask a favour? 帮忙,赏光           Anyway…谈点别的,另外
Here it is. 给你,在这儿                  It doesn’t matter. 没关系
I’ll see to that. 我会处理的。  Is that clear? 清楚吗?懂了吗?  Promise! 我一定!
language Points
1) Paper and printing have been used for ages.
    for ages ---- for (many) years好多年了.
类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等.
2) The battery hasn’t been charged for a couple of months.
a couple of --- several 几个
3) I’ll see to it. 我来处理.
 see to sb. / sth.= look after, deal with         “处理, 照顾, 关照”
4.) You must promise that it won’t be….
promise to do/ that..= make a promise to do/that 答应, 许诺作某事
Promise!= I promise to do that.我答应!
5) turn on  ----打开     turn off  ----关闭
  turn up   -----开大   turn down ---关小
eg. Don’t forget to ___________the light when you leave the room.
     Please ___________the TV, the football is beginning.
     Would you please ________it ______ a little? I can’t hear it clearly.
     The baby is sleeping. Please _____________ the radio a little.
4. Read the summary of the conversation. Underline the wrong information
5. Answer the questions
Ask Ss to say their answers and check them together.
6. Find the sentences in the conversation which mean…
Grammar Points
Will (won’t_) + be +动词的过去分词为一般将来时的被动语态
have/has (not)  been + 动词的过去分词为现在完成时的被动语态
情态动词+ be  + 动词的过去分词为情态动词的被动语态
Summary:  各种时态的被动语态构成
一般现在时:S+ am/is /are + done
一般过去时:S+ was/were + done
一般将来时:S+    will    + be + done
现在进行时: S+ am/ is/ are + being+ done
过去进行时: S+ was/were + being+ done
现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ done
Pronunciation and Speaking
Listen to the sentences and repeat.
Finish work book 1-3
I’ll see to that._______________    帮个忙________________
Promise. ________________      照相________________
look after________________      好几个________________
turn off________________     几年________________
Here it is. ________________    由….代替________________
1. They have published two issues of this magazine.
2. Betty has kept my watch for two days.
3. I’ll charge the battery for your MP3 players.
  4. I could not find my bag anywhere.        

课题 Module 4 Great Inventions
Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.
教  学  目  标 德育目标:To research science and love science
知识目标: To understand passages involving present perfect perfect tense
能力目标:To learn a reading skill ----- Scanning
          To know the history about paper inventing

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