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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:198  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语单元测试,

  After graduating from college, she was offered a job at NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, just outside Houston. There, she became a very good trainer and has spent most of her time teaching astronauts how to use their $8 million space suits.

  Ms. Mack teaches everything from putting on the suits to explaining how to read the warning features. Ms. Mack shows astronauts how to understand information on the suit itself, as well as warning they might hear in their helmets (头盔). Later, she’ll teach astronauts how to do certain things in their suits.

  “We have a huge pool that the astronauts are placed in. They wear weights so it feels like neutral gravity (无引力) where they’re not sinking and they’re not floating to the surface ,” she said . “Underwater, astronauts have a stand-in for the conditions in outer space.”

  Ms. Mack will continue this role as she begins her work on an international space station project. More than 40 flights through 2004 will be taken to the space station. Those include trips by the American shuttles (航天飞机)and the Russian Soyuz rockets , which hold three persons .

  While Russians have left astronauts on space stations for as long as one year , American crews (机组人员)are not expected to be on the space station longer than 180 days at a time , Ms . Mack explained.

  As Tricia’s mum, Barbara points out her daughter’s success shows one thing very clearly: “Love your work and you can live your dream, ” she said.

  44. When Ms. Mack studied at West Middle School, she          .

  A. was eager to do something for the astronauts

  B. knew she would be a very good teacher

  C. wasn’t good at maths or science

  D. was determined to work on the study of outer space

  45. As an engineer, Mr. Mack            .

  A. makes suits for astronauts

  B. designs equipment for Space Center

  C. prepares the astronauts for the conditions in outer space

  D. trains astronauts how to operate the shuttles or rockets

  46. In this text, the underlined words “a stand-in” mean a person who           .

  A. stands by and looks on while astronauts are working

  B. takes the place of an astronaut for a time

  C. waits for astronauts in a huge pool

  D. does research in outer space instead of an astronaut

  47. Which of the following shows the right order?

  a. She went to Russia to work on an international space station.

  b. She wanted very much to become an astronaut.

  c. Ms. Mack taught astronauts how to use their space suits.

  d. Mack studied in a college and graduated from it years later.

  e. Ms. Mack continued her teaching and did a good work.

  f. Tricia Mack studied at Rochester Adams High School.

  g. She found a job at NASA’s Lyndon B Johnson Space Center.

  A. d, g, b, a , f, e , c                   B. b, f , d , a , g , c, e

  C. f, d, b , g, a , c, e                   D. f, b, d, g, c , a , e


  Anders Celsius was born in 1701 in Sweden. He succeeded his father as professor of astronomy at the University of Uppsala in 1730. It was there that he built Sweden’s first observatory(天文台) in 1741. One of the major questions of that time was the shape of the Earth. Isaac Newton had proposed that the Earth was not completely spherical(球的,球形的), but rather flattened at the poles. Cartographic measuring in France suggested that it was the other way around - the Earth was elongated(拉长、伸长) at the poles. In 1735, one expedition sailed to Ecuador in South America, and another expedition traveled to Northern Sweden. Celsius was the only professional astronomer on that expedition. Their measurements seemed to indicate that the Earth actually was flattened at the poles. Celsius was not only an astronomer, but also a physicist. He and an assistant discovered that the aurora(极光) borealis had an influence on compass(罗盘) needles. However, the thing that made him famous is his temperature scale, which he based on the boiling and melting points of water. Celsius’ fixed scale for measuring temperature defines zero degrees as the temperature at which water freezes, and 100 degrees as the temperature at which water boils. This scale, an inverted form of Celsius’ original design, was adopted as the standard and is used in almost all-scientific work.

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