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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:198  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语单元测试,

  at the State University of New York, left in 1989 to join               63. ______

  Princeton University. The central theme of Morrison’s novels are       64. ______

  the black Americans in a unjust society and her characters struggle             65. ______

  to find themselves and their cultural identity.

  第二节  书面表达



  Dear Lily,

  When I came to your home,…




  1~5  BBADC            6~10  BABCA              11~15  CBCBB            16~20  ACDAC

  21~25  DBADC      26~30  BADBA           31~35  DACBC           36~40  BDACB

  41~45  BBDDC      46~50  BDCBC        51~55  ADDCA

  56. as→for               57. receives→received 58. who→that/which    59. greater→great

  60. 去掉to               61. √                         62. fictional→fiction     63. left→leaving

  64. are→is                   65. a→an

  One possible version:

  Dear Lily,

  When I came to your home, I found that you were out. So I had to leave you a note.

  I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party at 7:00 pm tomorrow evening. Let me tell you how to get to my flat.

  You should take bus No. 5 and get off at the terminal. Then you should walk back down the Main Road in the direction of Shanghai to across the road by the subway. After crossing the road, turn right and go across the bridge over the river on your left. When you come to the crossing, turn left and go straight on and take the second right turning. Soon you’ll find a bank easily. Take the road opposite the bank, and you’ll see Block 6. My flat is 408 on the fourth floor. You can’t miss it.

  Looking forward to seeing you at my birthday party.



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高二英语 推荐