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12-26 23:18:37   浏览次数:198  栏目:高二英语

标签:高二英语学习方法介绍,高二学习计划,http://www.quxue6.com 高二英语单元测试,

  48. What did Anders Celsius’s father do?

  A. a physicist                                     B. an assistant

  C. a professor of astronomy                D. a scientist

  49. According to the text, which is wrong about Anders Celsius?

  A. He was an astronomer and built Sweden’s first observatory.

  B. He has proposed the shape of earth.

  C. The famous invention in his life was temperature scale.

  D. The temperature scale was used widely.

  50. Who found the aurora borealis had an influence on compass needles?

  A. Isaac Newton                         B. one expedition

  C. Anders Celsius and an assistant      D. The text is not mentioned

  51. The text is mainly introduced:

  A. The accomplishment of Anders Celsius in his life

  B. The discover of shape of the earth

  C. The invention of the temperature scale

  D. Anders Celsius was not only an astronomer, but also a physicist.


  About one-third of a typical home’s heat loss occurs through the doors and windows. Energy-efficient doors are insulated(隔热的) and seal tightly to prevent air from leaking through or around them. If your doors are in good shape and you don’t want to replace them, make sure they seal tightly and have door sweeps at the bottom to prevent air leaks. Installing(安装) insulated storm doors provides an additional barrier to leaking air.

  Most homes have many more windows than doors. Replacing older windows with new energy-efficient ones can reduce air leaks and utility bills. The best windows shut tightly and are constructed of two or more pieces of glass separated by a gas that does not conduct heat well.

  If you cannot replace older windows, there are several things you can do to make them more energy efficient. First, caulk(填……以防漏) any cracks around the windows and make sure they seal tightly. Add storm windows or sheets of clear plastic to the outside to create additional air barriers. You can also hang insulated window curtain on the inside—during the winter, open them on sunny days and close them at night. During the summer, close them during the day to keep out the sun.

  52. If you don’t want to replace the door, you can:

  A. Seal the door tightly                        B. Make door sweeps at the bottom

  C. You don’t do anything.                    D. Both A and B

  53. If you don’t want to replace the windows, you can do except:

  A. Seal the windows cracks tightly.

  B. Installing storm window or sheets of clear plastic outside

  C.  Hang insulated window curtain inside

  D.  Make windows sweeps at the bottom

  54. When in the summer, we should do:

  A. Open the windows on days and close them at night

  B. Seal the door tightly

  C. Close the windows on days and open them at night

  D. Seal the windows cracks tightly

  55. What is the purpose of writing this text?

  A. To tell people how to save energy.

  B. Advertise the Energy-efficient doors and windows

  C. To tell people that they should reduce the number of windows

  D. Energy-efficient doors and windows are useful to decrease heat loss

  第三部分  写作(共两节)

  第一节  短文改错

  Toni Morrison is an American writer famous as her examination          56. ______

  of black Americans. She receives the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993.   57. ______

  Morrison grew up in a family who had an appreciation for black culture.   58. ______

  Storytelling, songs and folktales were a greater part of her childhood.     59. ______

  She attended to Howard University (1953) and Cornell University (1955).  60. ______

  After teaching at Texas Southern University for two years,                   61. ______

  in 1965 she became a fictional editor. From 1984 she taught writing     62. _____

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高二英语 推荐