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About Room Rent 关于房租(酒店常用英语)

07-27 17:56:22   浏览次数:814  栏目:酒店英语外语

标签:酒店常用英语,酒店英语口语,酒店英语对话,http://www.quxue6.com About Room Rent 关于房租(酒店常用英语),

About Room Rent  关于房租

-What is the rent per day?-房租每天多少?

-(What is the price per night?)(每晚房金多少?)

-(What do you charge for it?)(宿费多少?)

-(What price is it?)-(房租多少?)

-(What does it cost?)(要多少钱?)

-(What are the charges for your rooms?)-(你们这儿的房租是怎么计算的?)

-There are three classes:special class,seventy yuan a day;first class,fifty yuan;second class,thirty yuan.The charges don't include the meals.

-How much do you charge for an extra bed?-加床费怎

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-That reminds me.An extra bed is 2 yuan a day. a baby cot is one yuan.

-Are the meals included in the rent?-房租里包括膳食费吗?

-No,they aren't.-不包括。

-Is breakfast included?-包括早餐吗?


-Is there any reduciton for childen?-对儿童有优待吗?

-I'm afraid not.(I'm afraid there is no reduction for children.)

-Do you charge for the baby?-婴儿要收费吗?

-Yes.But you can have an infant's crib in the guest room.A crib is one yuan a day.

-When you say 60 yuan,is that with service and laundry?-六十元中包括服务费和洗衣费吗?

-It's including service but excluding laundry.-包括服务费,但不包括洗衣费。

-Will you give

www.quxue6.com me a reduction if I stay here for several days?-如果我在这里住上几天,有没有什么折扣?

-I'm afraid that no reduction can be made.-很抱歉,折扣是没有的。

-That's too expensive.-那就太贵了。

,About Room Rent 关于房租(酒店常用英语)
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